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October 10, 2024


I understand. Feeling similar grievance because have had Regence for years, even lately through marketplace since illness has kept me from working. I access Salem Hospital for many of my specialist needs and to think I have to switch and go to a different hospital feels difficult. I hope they work it out. I understand both sides, but still wish they find a way to figure it out.

All my doctors are with Salem health my primary doctor I've been to that clinic for 50 years my heart doctor 'and my orthopedic surgeon ( I'm having a hip replaces ment in march ) I don't want to change doctors and I've been with regence blue cross blue shield for about45 years ! I hope they come to an agreement ! Don't know how much more I will have to pay until after surgery and find a insurance so I can keep my doctors and the hospital ! Its so frustrating !!

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