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October 20, 2024


I'm not going to write much on this topic as this comment may never be seen .

My wife had reverse shoulder replacement surgery in January, 2023. This was after a failed attempt at a more conservative procedure the year before and another about 10-12 years before that which helped but wear and tear continued. She had a bicycle accident decades ago that resulted in bone spurs and arthritis.

For the first year after the surgery there was considerable pain. This has diminished, but full uninhibited use of her right shoulder is not happening. Now, almost two years later, she is able to do most tasks without difficulty. Carrying a grandchild in her right arm is possible but not ideal. Playing tennis is out of the question. There is pain but mostly only after a lot of work or exertion. She is now 73.

Some joint replacement surgeries have predictable success, such as hip replacement, but reverse shoulder replacement results are less predictable and more individual.

I wish your wife good results and a quick recovery.

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