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August 27, 2024


I have thought too many gardeners spray to control pests and it gets the bees. Another possibility for the bees would be you might have had professional beekeepers nearby with their hives. For the yellow jackets, spraying too much for mosquitos etc. is another answer. Not sure that climate change would do it since it's warmer, not colder and that should be just fine for them.

I was just having the same conversation where we live on the outskirts of Dallas, OR. I’ve noticed a decent amount of honeybees which has been great to see, but our yellow jacket population has been DRASTICALLY reduced this summer and not sure why. We have well water so do not put any pesticides around us. While I’m happy I can enjoy a couple minutes outside on the porch this summer without getting bombarded by yellow jackets, I’m slightly concerned with how few I’ve seen around.

I did a Google search about this and it brought me to this site. I don’t live in Oregon, I live north of Seattle near Stanwood Washington. I too have noticed that the Yellowjacket population has dramatically decreased this summer. Normally they are in abundance and you can’t go outside without noticing them, especially this time of year. Even the several small nests under the eaves of my house seem to be unoccupied. We had plenty of honeybees throughout the summer but very few Yellowjackets. Very strange. Just thought I’d share that this event might not be only in Oregon.

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