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May 09, 2024


So, no surprise given your background and solid democratic support, you prefer Biden. What issues exactly makes you want Biden. It's interesting how most dems push dislike of Trump but never say what Biden has done and will do that they want for the country. And as for honesty, uh do you pay any attention to Biden's many lies. what makes you believe him now? Remember, he also has women accusing him of abuse and worse... But, I know, he's not Trump and that's all he has to be no matter what damage he does to the country.

You might wish you had delayed your post on her honesty given the clip that evidently Bill Maher just put out on what she said in an earlier interview with him. Life is a joke, isn't it? lol https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13409187/Bill-Maher-Stormy-Daniels-Trump-interview-HBO.html

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