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July 16, 2023


Heh, not sure the negative visualization business would necessarily work as intended! So many today live “lives of quiet desperation”. Many, many, a great many, work away at jobs they hate, and at relationships and marriages that suck, and at networking with “friends” they loathe. Negative visualization, if taken just at the surface level, will probably see them up and quit, immediately. And should that visualization be extended to examine all the ramifications of leaving, which I suppose is what keeps these people doing what they do, then I suppose that’ll only end up making their “quiet desperation” even more desperate.

(When I read your post, I was reminded of those words of Thoreau. And I started out typing that comment as a half-humorous take on that old Stoic principle. Except, now that I’ve actually typed it out there, I’m not sure how much of it is a joke, and how much a grim reflection of reality for a great many people!)

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