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January 29, 2023


Just came across your blog and found it a satisfying explanation as to how I’ve been feeling about Bill Maher as of late.

I Googled “why does Bill Maher irritate me so much” and quickly was able to draw the conclusion that I wasn’t alone in this.

Apart from all the more obvious observations on his obstinate stances regarding “wokeness”, etc., I found how he completely pandered to Benjamin Netanyahu in a way that way so fawning it made my skin crawl. Not once did he press him for any hard answers, but rather softballs him with questions that only served to help Netanyahu sell his latest fiction.

It was was almost less than a week later when it was declared that his administration was going to clamp down on and hand-select its own judiciary to keep thing’s leaning in his favor without resistance

There are other instances that are similar to the above that Bill keeps leaning into that are equally astonishing

Just sayin’

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