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August 25, 2022


The Magus at 168,000 words is a novella compared to these. I pride myself on having read all of #9 on this list. It's a wonderful book! I tried to read #4 in translation but didn't make it all the way. Some of these may not be very well-written. I need to check out #7.


I read fiction; let's just say I read, because fiction can be found in the most rigorous non-fiction.

Many years ago I reread Pride and Prejudice. The governor brought in some new brooms at the agency where I worked. As I would walk down the halls or sit in a senior staff or exec staff meeting I had the distinct feeling that I was living in a reincarnation of the world of Jane Austen.

A few years later I read George Eliot's Middlemarch, which some think to be the greatest novel ever written in the English language (and to which I'm inclined to agree). Again, as I read the novel, characters kept showing up, from Dorothea to the Mr. Casaubon.

The advantage good fiction provides is the opportunity to experience without having to pay the price. A good novel is virtual reality at its best.

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