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May 09, 2022


A local paper without an open forum for local voices is just an advertising vehicle. Trash.

It has always been clear that the SJ and Gannett do not see their role as being responsible for informing the public or holding government accountable. They are not good citizens and could not care less about democratic ideals, The death of journalism is a reflection of the changes in our society. When anti-trust laws were castrated and media giants were allowed to capture markets, it was the beginning of the end. Now, journalism has become a highly refined tool for the most politically and economically advantaged. Opinions are no longer respected - they are shaped. The SJ could not care less about right and wrong or what is ethical or despicable. Some years ago, Gannett successfully shut down a competitive Salem newspaper by using illegal anti-competitive tactics. They got a slap on the wrist and payed off their victim, enabling them to thrive. So here we are.

Well put Brian it feels like this country is revoking our freedom of speech along with other constitutional rights!!!!!!!!!!

It's despicable to link Fox News with a
neo-nazi site. Fox news website allows comments for most of their stories. As a moderate-conservative I would never label a liberal news site as Marxist or Communist which is the equivelant of what you did to Fox news.

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