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April 25, 2022


Just checking back with you, been awhile! Sorry to hear about your glaucoma diagnosis…me too…but i’ve been medicated (drops every night) for a few years now and all is - so far - so good. May you be well on that score. I’m only a couple years older than you, so, we’re of similar cohort. But I MUST say, your willingness to blame all current ills on ‘republicans’ is disingenuous at best. Let’s say there are 10 percent fringe on either end of the political spectrum. I haven’t kept up with your musings, perhaps you have addressed? But the border is ridiculous, ‘wokeness’ has reached absurdity, government intrusions are in EVERY aspect of existence, billions spent on what exactly, ‘management’ at the top tier of federal govt, good lord don’t get me started - but the gravy train keeps on rolling along with the printing presses. Sanity is in short supply, personal responsibility and accountability is in even shorter supply, and what else…waaaay too numerous. But what i’m saying is worth about the 2 cents it took to write. Take care of yourself, your family, and that pooch of yours, it’s really all the control you are allowed….so far.

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