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February 22, 2022


My wife and I just moved here from Birmingham al. We are a black 30 yr olds new to this city. We liked trader Joes. I was given a hard time at the life source health foods.. I'm used to being followed in white areas where im from . I was angry when I left. My wife reminded me that ppl don't like an angry black man. It results in getting killed by police. I wonder if this is a normal thing in this town? To sell black lives matter merch. To say it.. But I saw not a one black face working there? The employee that worked there told me " poc don't shop or eat the food they sell "as she have me hands in a namaste shit. Consider writing about that. Yeah black ppl are moving in.. Will white SJW hire us. That would be a great investigation. And commendable . I like your blog. .bless. Lakeshaun and Tasha

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