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August 16, 2021


Now he US military needs to create a safe corridor for any and all refugees to get to the airport which we need to hold on to for as long as it takes to get them all out. Then we need to transport them out and to our country if they want to come here. We owe them this. They will make good US citizens.

We knew that they would never have the type of government that we pretended to believe that they could have. It is a nation of warlords and religious fundamentalists. Especially today, when the pretense of our own democracy has crumbled before the eyes of the world, our stated objectives seem particularly hypocritical.
The Russians put a lot of effort before we did and that was also for naught. The topography and cultural background has always made the country problematic for any type of invading force.
Having said that, I believe that staying there would have been the courageous and proper thing to do. Nobody but a fool would believe that terrorists that will target this country will not greatly benefit from the now established, technically proficient base of operations.
Nobody wants to avoid US military deaths more than I, but the Taliban are our enemy and we have given them comfort. If we had to stay there forever, it would have been the best use of our military resources.
Especially for those of us who are concerned about religiosity in government, this support for standing down just does not make sense.
While the lives of every US military troop is critically important, we must bear in mind that there are still those who are enthusiastically willing to put their lives on the line for a just cause and this was a just cause.
This was not a battle that many were ashamed to be a part of like in Iraq and Vietnam. This was a battle intended to actually impede the threat of another 9-11; to prevent the humiliation of women; to provide some semblance of the rule of law.
It was a battle that people of character and moral worth should have supported and been willing to commit resources to.
Good causes are few and far between. We abandoned this one.

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