Are you tired of extremist politics? I sure am. We've become a bitterly divided country.
That's bad enough at the national level, but when politics becomes the focus of a school board election, students are the ones who suffer from adults marching to the beat of their personal political drummer.
Unfortunately, Oregon Right to Life and other groups on the far right side of the political spectrum have set out to control the Salem-Keizer school board.
They're backing a slate of candidates in the May 2021 election who want to use the school board to push their extreme political agenda.
Fortunately, there's another slate of highly qualified candidates with broad community support. Here they are. Be sure to vote for them when your ballot arrives in a few days.
Cottingham, Ortiz, Avila, and Pressey are endorsed by the Community for Salem-Keizer Schools. This is how the group describes themselves.
Community for Salem-Keizer Schools PAC is a coalition of education advocates, racial justice organizations, parents, educators, students, labor leaders, and community leaders committed to helping all children in our community succeed.
They make some great points on their web site.
Unfortunately, the Salem-Keizer School Board is dominated by very conservative politicians who represent a narrow ideological perspective. This small faction controls so much of what happens in our schools.
We can do better. Our school board can reflect the diversity of our community. We can bring back the community’s voice to board meetings.
To learn more about the candidates pictured above, check out their backgrounds on Community for Salem-Keizer Schools.