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April 02, 2021


When I had my right inguinal hernia in 2016, I tried several belts but was only happy with the "Vive Hernia Belt - Hernia Support Truss for Single/Double Inguinal or Sports Hernia" (Amazon). They were comfortable, effective, and easily adjustable.
I still have a couple of them and I would offer them to you but that would be gross.

Oops. Sorry. The one I used was actually the "NEW Lumiscope PiPeer Orthoproducts Golden Crown Truss" available on EBay.

Hey Brian. Me too, though mine appeared a day before my 50th birthday, as if I needed a reminder about the passing of time. I've only had the hernia confirmed two days ago so waiting for my GP to follow up with a call. I've a feeling they will recommend Watchful Waiting, which is shorthand for saying they don't want to pay for it right now (I'm in the UK by he way). Always option to go the private route, but I'll wait to see what they say and go from there...Good luck with yours..

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