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March 31, 2021


I was intrigued by this post as I wanted to know the proper way to wash lettuce! As a former homemaker with 30 years experience, I could relate to Laurel's "Wife Eye"! While my wife took over most homemaker duties when she retired, I still give her the "Wife Eye". Just today, I followed Laurel's example and washed the sheets and hung them out to dry on the clothesline. After posting this comment, I will be cleaning the floors.

Why? Because my wife not only gets defensive when I give her suggestions, she has a hostile reaction. Best for all concerned that I just do the tasks myself.

I also had a good laugh about the movie. American splendor has worked its way up my DVD.COM Queue of 473 movies to number 4. DVD.COM records that I put American Splendor in my queue on Feb. 12, 2004! I look forward to watching it and seeing if I agree with you, Brian.

Funny on this reminder showing up. I read it and thought-- blog??? Could I do a blog? I did with the inspiration that a blog could be about anything. I made mine about ideas but currently am running low on them :) Still fun to remember way back.

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