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February 24, 2021


Great story, and glad you finally have power.

Can't help but think when Cascadia subduction zone has an earthquake. Power could be off for 2-3 months for us all. At that point, it might be best to move out of state if possible.

If you had known how long this would take, might have done some travelling?

Thank you for sharing. Great to hear of a person and crew who is competent and upbeat.
It was interesting to see all the photos of the yard and debris branches and so sorry to hear about the pretty tree. I admired that tree in your earlier posts, ....and yes, trees are totally a presence, a personality almost, and it was good to hear how much you enjoyed its color and beauty. If you raised that tree it was your tree child and not unusual to have been bonded.

I can still feel the sorrow of when was a kid and the huge apricot tree (i was little) where I hung out daily and annually enjoyed delicious apricots, was just gone one day. In its wake was such emptiness....I was stunned by how hollow and sad that space felt. My mother must have known I loved it and would object and she snuck its demolishing behind my back.

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