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January 11, 2021


Hi Brian
A year ago I got the same sympton of hardly peeing
I started taking double Saw Palmetto which is against prostate enlarging
Also doubled my daily DHEA to 200 Mgr to bring testosteron
to an acceptable level
That is very contraversial here in France, french FDA claiming that one risks
prostate cancer but that is incorrect in my case , my PSA
is under One : 0,8
and slowly I was recovering

Reading your excellent catheter manual,
I have the impression
that I could obtain the same , that is open the urethra
tube by will power
kind of : let go litteraly
Usualy takes between 2 and 4 minutes

I use each morning Half of HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 25 mgr
I cut the tablets - A full tablet made me going bathroom to often

I have no problem let sperma pass when needed
in reasonable quantity but not very forceful, due to my age and hig bloodpressure 140/75
84 next May
How is all that in your case?

All the best concerning the Elecreic Power
I prepared in the same way
but it seems the real cold stays in Greece, Turkey, Israel not further
at the Meditarean Sea
Once, in 1984 we had -10° C and the same broken high Voltage lines
which was awsome but I wa younger
Half of the palms didn t survive
Maybe the Portland Provider is using
the opportunity to replace the copper lines for graphene alliage lines
with almost superconductive prperties and very very strong, harder than steel

Hope you both stay heathy by warmth and exercising

Seven, France

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