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December 03, 2020


Liked the videos on the Monkii as well as Oyo thanks! I'm considering it, and love that you did all the research, consideration, as well as testing.

Basically, when I need something, all I have to ask is what does Brian Hines use. I hope people realize just how much trouble you can save them, THANKS!

P.s. I cut this bit out of my previous comment and now i think wth, I'm adding it as a p.s.
What interested me about the OYO, thanks for mentioning it, is tha I'm familiar with a light weight routine which I did for more than a year, a few years back, and the only objection I have for at home is (in my head, this is just me) the messiness of different weights, the decisions, and seriously, just picking them up. I had access to state of the art equipment/machines before. What I find apealing about the Oyo is it seems so TIDY plus the creativity of going in both directions.
Working with weights is appealing because I find the repetitive motions calming, it is actually recommended for kids on the spectrum (over group games which require communication and interaction skills and can lead to feelings of frustration and being left out). I don't know why I bring this up but things that work for spectrum peeps always appeal to me. For instance bouncing on a fitness ball is a great solution for spectrum kids in a classroom since they focus better when they move. I loved that bit of info, because I found leading people thru an exercise routine bouncing on a ball is a great start-the-class icebreaker:- it settles people, they can chat and be distracted and it still works, and once you add rythmic jazzy music and arm exercises, their mindset is shifted and established in calm fun. Try bouncing on a ball when you're upset or despondent next time, or just when talking on the phone or watching TV or a video.

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