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November 30, 2020


Thoroughly enjoyed it. You're right, it wAs a 'movie'. Having so many episodes it's the nice long movie one wishes for, which fully develops the characters and the story line. Very satisfying, I was sad/surprised when it ended and could keep watching it for seasons.

I would say I found the title to be the reason why someone would NOT want to watch it (me, at first) because 'Queen' conjures up images of a period piece. Then when one finds out it's about chess, you've already had misgivings and 'chess' doesn't help much. 🙂 It's hard to fathom that it would be such an ENGAGING, Not-To-Be-Missed show. I was lucky a friend put it on for us and rewatched it with me, he had liked it so much the first time round.

The title is a very important key to getting the meaning of a show across, and getting it watched. That is something Harvey W understood (sorry to mention him, but it struck me about him, that he would have this literary gift to aptly name things. 'Shakespear In Love' was such an amazingly appropriate and successful title).

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