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October 14, 2020


Living in an outlying area at over 2000 ft. elevation we deal with snow, sometimes a lot of snow. We are still old school, and run studs on all four wheels which given our road conditions is the right choice for us. I bought a second set of wheels as well as a second set of TPMS for our Corolla. Makes the annual tire swap so much easier.

I've got a 2017 Crosstrek that I bought new at Capitol Subaru. After I bought it, I discovered Capitol is a big supporter of KYKN-AM radio. So I bought my winter wheels and tires elsewhere. I take the car elsewhere for maintenance, too. Capitol won't get any more business from me. And they know why.

Why don't you try 225/65 R17. Raising the ground clearance is a good idea.

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