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October 13, 2020


I'm very glad to learn about this disposition of PAYPAL. I've been using them with glee, but now I understand they will not protect one as well as your credit card company. My takeaway from your post is, use Paypal with reputable US and Canada companies. Rethink purchases from unknown companies in far flung countries or at least google them first, don't assume PayPal is this great protector.

Shipping via post office from far away continents can take almost 2 months (my experience with envelope size orders from NZ/Australia).

Something else I've noticed: Before, when one got to the shipping portion of online ordering, the company would make it clear whether they use USPS, or a courier such as UPS/Fedex. Often now no such clarification is made. Arrgh. (The difference for me is the address I provide).
When looking into it, they clarified that they make the call when they ship. I have found that if I develop a relationship with the company (just an email or two, a prior order over $100, nothing major)or if I call and ask for it, I get the UPS/Fedex delivery.

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