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September 13, 2020


"Global warming is largely to blame."
And the dog ate my homework.
Failing liberal policy is ENTIRELY to blame.

"Wyden: Smoke suffocating the West Coast is ‘debt coming due’ on ‘lousy’ forest management"
Well, well, well, well, weeeeeeeel, well:

Thank heaven's Rong Whythen doesn't feel the need to run from the failing liberal decisions that are 100% the cause of our current air quality.
At least ONE democrat in the entire state of Oregon has the balls to accept responsibility.

100% Mane made?:

Wild...you don’t care for any more WILD....try a Harris presidency, because that’s the end game. And it will happen way earlier than you or Joe could ever imagine... The question is: will she bring her law and order temperment into her presidency? ...or what we might slyly call her ‘vice presidency’... Good luck to us all but adherence to ‘it will all be back to normal if ONLY we elect calm Unca Joe‘ is nonsense of the highest order, as is ‘it’s all Trumps fault’. Folks your age who truly believe this nonsense are not helping in any way.

my first acquaintance with you came today as i googled 'where do old hippies retire' and your 2013 thoughts
on finding an earth oriented, nature loving, active community resonated. with my husband and i... any progress on that front? i know you have other things on your mind right now....

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