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September 14, 2020


I've been coordinating with people in the fire area to rescue horses. I asked Troy if we needed more space would it be possible to bring some of the evacuees up on the hill. I currently have 14 equine refugees on my property! Fortunately we were we did not need to put horses on the hill. I have field water troughs and have hay stored up there in the event that we would find it necessary to put horses there. I find it absolutely unforgivable that you would accuse Troy of lying about rescuing horses. I was very appreciative that he was willing to take evacuees.

LeeAnn, I find it absolutely unforgivable that you would lie about me accusing Troy of lying about rescuing horses. I have never done that. Not in this post, obviously. And not elsewhere. Please get your facts straight before you make unfounded accusations about people.

I wanted to communicate with you directly. I sent you a message and you did not reply. I was told that you had accused him of lying about the rescue horses and I was very upset. Why didn't you reply to my message.

Wood, I never saw your message. My email address is in the right sidebar. That's a great way to contact me.Regardless, you shouldn't believe everything you hear.

I never accused Troy of lying about the rescue horses, so you're wrong about that. All I've accused Troy of is doing what Marion County planning staff said he did: fail to show that he has been raising horses on the property he wants to build a house on. That's why Marion County denied his application.

Troy didn't prove that he has been generating sufficient farm income from the property to meet the land use rules regarding building a home on EFU land.

I accept your apology for wrongly claiming that I accused Troy of lying about the horses. Everybody makes mistakes. Just check your facts next time you accuse someone of lying,

Hi, whatever happened with this? Did they eventually come up with a way to build the house?

Ashley, yes, a house has been built. The Anderson's managed to convince the county that they had sufficient revenue from sales of horses kept on the property to pass the test of whether the property is a genuine farm use. My wife and I found that revenue documentation to be suspicious, but the county allowed it. So there's now a house at the top of the hill. Not sure who is living there, or is anyone is living there. The lower part of the property has had Christmas trees planted, which don't require much maintenance. They're just a few inches tall at the moment.

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