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September 08, 2020


So spot on. Thanks . We too have cars Bob's but being in south Salem we began to work on the other things we would need. Having time, which we wouldn't have in case of fire, was a great chance to see what we would need. Hopefully this is just a great drill. So thank you for your links and having the same concerns.

In an effort to simplify bugging out I put all the current important house records in a portable plastic file box. Easy to grab on the way out the door. The USB drive is a great idea only I would fall behind on updating it. Pictures of passports, credit cards, license plates, and SS cards are also in a safe on my phone.

We used to keep bug out gear in the car only that encouraged people to break in. Out at Minto Brown the first time. So, they stay inside unless we are on the road. Cat carriers, bags, and box are all by the door. Wool clothing in compression packs to save room is something I need to add.

In the event the worst should happen a complete record of what is inside your house is important. Open all the cupboards, closets, and drawers to take photos. I uploaded all the photos to a private album on Flickr in case we needed them for insurance purposes. Extra bonus as a back up memory when I can't find something!

Excellent ideas all. I have also added pillows and blankets to our bugout stuff as our friends were forced to evacuate and stay in their car only last week...uh, they’re in their 80’s! I have also added a portable battery charger...you charge that, then you have extra recharge capabilites for cells/ipad and the like if you are unable to get to more electricity for more hours than are reasonable or safe.. Also added an emergency radio and added the station numbers for emergency updates in our area. Have also made sure my phone has alert capability...both Next Door and CodeRED can text you EARLY should danger be getting closer. Safe travels to you and your families.

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