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September 04, 2020


Love the house. This entry brought back my Childhood memories in CA. A cousin still lives near Fresno. My pioneer family is in a cemetery near Lake Elsinore, CA.


A housing development is built around the tiny 4 grave cemetery with wood tombstones from the late 1800s. The fact they are wood is an indication of just how dry it is in the area.

The current owners must be thrilled you could tell them he history of the house. Thanks for sharing.

Brings back a lot of good memories. I grew up in the Columbia River Gorge and dreamed of buying back the home my parents sold when I graduated from high school. I drove up there one year, what had been a dead end road, and the people who owned it came out and asked if I'd like to see what they'd done with it. I said no. I preferred what I remembered. I did ask to take a rock from what had been our old rock wall. They said fine. I have that still.

What wonderful memories of such an outdoor kind of kid life, bicycles, climbing, with peace and quiet for adults and good playmates for that hill climbing and esploration....Sorry about those strawberries... But, you know, the 50’s, which we were priviledged to experience, were SO different. Fewer people, fewer cars, fewer distractions, less ‘wired-ness’, no camera lurking around every corner. Heck, I grew up within bike riding distance from Disneyland of all places. My friends and I could still explore the orange groves, the eucalyptus trees fringing the groves (made my Mom a gift from those little pods that fall down....) and the waitresses at the Dland Hotel would let us make our own lemonade if we’d order our favorite...some FRIES! not enough money for the coke too... So Cheers to our memories of those good old days and our pleasure in the recall. Nice to be in touch with the new owners! And, by the way, due to the modern age, I could take a look on line at the house in the midwest i grew up in...the little pin oaks my Mom and Dad planted now are ...UUUUGE!!!

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