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July 11, 2020


I've been debating watching it given all the info out there on Hamilton not being that honorable and a slave trader. They all have flaws that back then seemed okay but today not so much.

I have to be honest, as a history-buff, even I couldn't make it through Chernow's book on Hamilton--very tedious. When Hamilton came to Portland, I passed on seeing it for two reasons, I don't like rap music and I wasn't going to pay $100 for a ticket. So the Hamilton-mania is something I've never understood. Hopefully in Disney, for those who can understand what they are saying a few peope may get a history lesson but probably not..........if they can't understand what's going on in the first place.

Brian, my wife and I had a similar experience and from past difficulties have learned to resort to subtitles. With Hamilton we still couldn’t get it all, but our 70 year old brains had a much better time of it.

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