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July 26, 2020


I was with you until you had to turn it partisan. You don't know what Trump wants and frankly, I think it's hurt his campaign as much as the virus. He's damned if he does or doesn't do something about what's happening in our cities. I'd like to know why the so-called leaders seem unwilling to do anything and the police chief in Seattle has cal;led out hers for what it's doing with leaving no protection from the police. She suggested be ready to defend yourself. The last thing you'd think democratic leadership would want given their dislike for guns.

Violence should never be part of any protest, BLM or other wise, but this is part of the Democrat plan.

Something to think about….

The US Population is 330,000,000 and in 5 months the number of deaths was 130,000. The number of deaths as a percent of the population is 0.03939 %, compared to the number of cancer cases diagnosed in 2019 (1,762.450) and 607,000 deaths. Or, the Spanish flu with over 500,000 deaths in a smaller population which subsided and life returned to normal.

This doesn’t seem far fetched because it is happening before our eyes

A very well-orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place .. with the United States front and center. You tell me!!

Scare people with a virus, force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine.

Count the number of deaths every second of every day, in every News Headline. By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover. About one to two-tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most of them have other medical problems. Did you catch that ? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.

Close businesses = 35,000,000+ instantly unemployed.

Remove entertainment and prohibit Recreation; Closing parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.

No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.

Close Temples and Churches, prohibit worship. Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and desperation set in.

Then... ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War. (BLM riots)

Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.

Send in Antifa to vandalize property, as if they are freedom fighters. Undermine the law, Riot, Loot and Attack all Law Enforcement, but tell the government to order a stand-down.

Then... Defund Law Enforcement and abolish Police.

We are all being played by those who want to destroy America! This is how you destroy a Nation from within and in a very short order. Will it work, I guess that depends on you and me

This entire era we are living through = the unmasking of ultra-liberal self loathing.
The coffin has been built one nail at a time.

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