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July 07, 2020


The pediatric society also recommended that it needs to happen for the emotional health and growth of the kids. I don't know the answer but having them miss the social aspect to school seems to me more damaging with small children than older ones. We have been such a spoiled society with it all easy, many on pensions as much as their salaries, most of us having grown up in a golden time. Now it's changed between the virus and cultural upheaval. Tough on the children.

Oregon's drop-out rate is going to go through the roof.
How many high school kids that struggled with their studies , have taken a job and see no good reason to go back?
In addition, there is a never ending supply of high school rate jobs available right now.
Historians will look back and say, :WOW!! Look at that record breaking drop-out rate in Oregon! Oh,,, I see that Kockamamie Kate was governor at that time."

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