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July 04, 2020


I've been reading the same things. I know it seems a long time until a viable vaccine, assuming they find one without dire side effects, but getting it would be longer if a person got the worst symptoms, which can mean permanent lung damage among others. As an introvert, I am finding I did need people that I feel i cannot safely have for now. I just tell myself it won't last forever as it is. I do not want to get it. If someone has to get together with others, stay 6 feet apart or use masks.

I have friends that met as medical doctors on assignment as part of a U.S. envoy around the world working on similar nasty health issues.
They told me that they expect not much to change for 3 - 4 years.
My take away is that we need to set our shoulders for the long haul and don't play the victim.
Take care of yourself and your family, friends and neighbors.
And don't forget; we could easily have yet another disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake pile on.
DON'T be like Brother Brian and run out of supplies (T.P.)one week after it hits.
BE PREPARED!!! Personal responsibility has never been more important!

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