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July 17, 2020


Thank you for the information. I am really interested in comfortable but highly protective masks. So far what I've come up with that works best for our large family is similar to the O2 Nano mask. I make the mask with high quality (tightly woven) fabric and I put a Filtrete 2800 furnace filter between the layers. With a nose clip and shoe string to tie it up, there is no gap at the sides or nose. Just wanted to mention that as a lower cost option that protects better than the standard homemade mask.

the second one you have doesn't cover your chin, how well does it keep your mouth covered when you talk?

Jamayca, I haven't worn the O2 Canada mask out in public, but I just tried talking while wearing it. It does cover the mouth completely, but just barely. That produces a bit of a constricted feeling while talking.

I also felt that my voice sounded somewhat muted, or at least different, probably because I was speaking through fairly thick plastic material rather than thinner cloth. So this confirms my belief that the O2 Canada mask offers good protection, but is lacking in usability and comfort.

Did you hear that a company based out of IL has recently manufactured the exact same filter as the O2Canada material and anti-static nature plus the exact cut. They are using the following hashtag #NeverRunOut I purchased them right away on the Mercari store on line and received x6 5-Packs within Days. This was just as of Jan 1, 2022. I believe you can find them here: http://never-runout.com These guys at EzCloud have been real life savers. 80+ Five Star Reviews and tons of repeat customers I saw!!!

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