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March 06, 2020


@ I was OK, though obviously not ecstatic, about the stock market
@ going up and down like a yo-yo. Or, to really show my age, like a slinky.

The first historical reference to the yo-yo is circa 500
BC; the slinky only dates back to the early 40's.

But, I kinda get it. Everyone knows what yo-yo'ing
means. If you're talking "slinky" though. it clearly says
you're an old white guy/gal circling the drain.

Hey, if the stable genius's assurances don't cheer ya
up, you can let the slinky "walk the stairs'" for a little fun.

And now whites and old white men especially are supposed to be the cause of everything wrong in the world lol. It's a crazy time is all I can say.

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