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March 14, 2020


Please consider doing a follow-up on this. People should know more about Flattening the Curve and how important social distancing is. There are many websites to read on the subject.
Thanks for all you do.

I am re-posting from another thread some practical tips and info regarding Corona. This is the best I have come across yet.


Thank you, tucson, for providing the link. The info is excellent. I'm making copies for family, friends, and neighbors.

What was false info in my comment? I'd like to know.
What if someone I gave the info dies because of it?

I might have taken the time to edit some of the wording to more accurately reflect my understanding rather than that of a social media writer. In my experience, and anecdotally, much of what is in there has helped with virus conditions and also to judge the severity of them. My apologies to anyone who may have been mislead.

Best to go to cdc.gov/coronavirus for info on this particular disease.

Hi Brian!

This is my first time on this side of your virtual life. I'm on a Salem-onian? Not sure what you call yourselves, but I do have some thoughts on the gloves thing. First of all, I love them. Brilliant. Makes sense to me!

Here's another thought from https://vintagedancer.com/vintage/vintage-gloves-styles-1900-to-1960s/

"Vintage gloves were also a protection from disease. Contagious disease was the ruin of lower and middle class families. Upper classes feared catching an illness when out in public. Even with gloves on, there was very little touch involved, including close family members. Wearing gloves, even to greet one’s guests at home was protection from the outside world. Gloves were never removed unless a woman was eating or responding to nature. Frequent hand washing around these two activities was done before putting gloves back on. With the heightened fear of germs, gloves became more than an accessory; they were a necessity for a healthy life."

Some fun links:
According to one historian, the year 1900 was “the zenith of glove-wearing,” when any self-respecting Victorian (British or American) wouldn’t be caught dead without covered hands.

Meant to say I'm not a Salemite or Oregonian.

I'm not sure what you people from Salem call yourselves. :)

A pandemic moves at the speed of an avalanche. The FDA moves at what feels like snail speed because they are required to be as thorough as possible when approving treatments.

COVID-19 doesn't care about treatments or the FDA. Just the opposite. It isn't slowing down for the anyone or anything. So, the medical community finds itself in a very difficult situation. The FDA is working day and night (practically under Martial Law) trying to approve effective and safe new treatments/therapies.

Good luck and Godspeed, FDA.

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