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March 21, 2020


There are shortages in my area, but not dog food. We have two such animals. I went to a PetCo yesterday and the place was loaded with literally tons of dog food of many varieties and brands. Not only were the shelves full but there were large industrial carts stacked high with bags of dog food that obstructed free passage down the aisles.

If there are starvation levels of food shortages I am comforted in knowing there is this stash of dogfood available, some of which claim to be made with "human grade" ingredients. Pop kibble in your mouth as a tasty snack or, if you have bad teeth, just add warm water to kibble in a bowl and enjoy.

I wear a face mask every day when working in the shop. In cooler weather there often is a problem with fogging. It helps to push the mask high on the bridge of the nose and place your glasses as far as practical in front of that point. There are also anti-fog products available for glasses. Or, at least there were in 1976.

I just got this idea.. Coffee filters could make a passable substitute for surgical face masks. Take elastic bands (if there isn't a shortage) and staple them to opposite sides of the filter. Loop the bands over your ears and viola, potentially fatal germs are kept at bay, maybe. Some types of coffee filters may be too dense to breathe through but some might work.

There might have to be some kind of rationing rules put into place if people cant be considerate enough to share and leave some for others.

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