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March 09, 2020


Thank you for this post!!!!! I bought my 16 inch MacBook Pro and December '19 and my TouchBar has been glitchy just the same as yours. I've tried several methods to "refresh" and "restore" but all to no avail. I am very upset about having to restart my machine for this feature to work. Apple also told me to reinstall my ops but NOPE! This is not an isolated issue and they really need to come up with a solution to fix this problem once and for all!

Hi there! I have also a Touch Bar issue on my 15" Pro 2019. The Touch Bar won't turn on anymore after only 11 months of purchase. I tried everything including wiping out the whole system and data and even getting back to Mojave. Touch Bar just disappeared after latest Catalina upgrade and nothing seems to get it back, not even Apple Experts (went through 4 different representatives to no avail). This is ridiculous when you think of the money we pay for the machine. Now I'm waiting for a call back once Apple's engineer figures it out. I hope your issue was fixed. Safe!

Wael D, interestingly, after the latest Catalina update to 10.15.5 my Touch Bar has come back to life and hasn't gone dark again. So it sounds like my experience is opposite to yours. Apple Support never fixed my problem, but something else has. Hope you get your Touch Bar problem fixed soon.

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