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November 09, 2019


Brian said:
"I realize that leaf blowers are controversial."
They are only "controversial" to pie in the sky, glass house, head up their ass, ultra liberals that lack any semblance of common sense.
Who pays attention to them???
How about your .22 rifle, your Suzuki scooter, all of the cool cars you drive?
Are they controversial?
Only to pie in the sky, glass house, head up their ass, ultra liberals that lack any semblance of common sense.
Ignore them.
If they lay a guilt trip[ on you about you leaf blower, offer to loan it to them so they can go _ _ _ _ themselves.

Gas leaf blowers leave a carbon footprint. Those who use them show callous disregard for the welfare of the planet and are willful contributors to global warming.

Hire a teenager armed with a bamboo rake.

I don’t have that kind of acreage so I can use a noisy corded electric leaf blower powered by our solar panels. And a rake.

Carbon emission free.

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