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October 13, 2019


Brian- great post on John Aranda's jackets- the orange/black looks great on you- I own 5 of his coats between my husband and me- (jackets/vests)- I usually see him at an annual festival in Issaquah, WA (Salmon Days) but it got cancelled this year. I was going to try to reach his company/website but couldn't find one and the phone number you listed no longer works- do you have any updated info on how to connect with him and his coats? Thanks!

Val, I don't have any updated contact info for Aranda. I'd been hoping to see him at the Sisters Harvest Faire this month, but that's been cancelled due to covid. So I'm still stuck with my single jacket, though I'd like to get another one. Or, two. It'd be nice if he started selling online, but I guess that isn't happening.

Thanks for letting me know Brian- we will keep our fingers crossed that he will pop again- I wear one of his jackets or vests every day now that it's getting colder- they are so warm- I love all the pockets and the pretty trim. If I happen to hear anything I will let you know. More is definitely better when it comes to his coats! :) Val

Brian- I was cleaning out my office today and found a business card for John Aranda I must have gotten at the last festival I saw him at which was Oct 2019- it had his email address - I sent a note and he replied "We are on a pause as far as art festivals, but actively filling custom orders."- he gave me his phone number but I don't know that I should post it publicly- can you send me a quick note to my email and I'll give it to you there? Valerie

John Aranda products- new number 503-481-0584
We just met him and his daughter Johnie at Portland Saturday Market.
Very nice jackets, going to order one for my hubby.

Heather, thanks for sharing Aranda's number. I forgot to do that, after getting his cell phone number from him late last year, which enabled me to order another fleece jacket from him in a different color. John is very easy to deal with. Since I live south of Salem and don't go to Portland often, John texted me photos of the current jacket colors he offers. I picked one, requested a one-inch shorter zipper length from the jacket described in this blog post, sent John $130 for the jacket (I think the price now is $140), and he mailed the jacket to me when it was finished. Great service. Great jacket. I got blue over black for a different look.

Just ordered (2) custom vests. I love this father/daughter team. Thank you! Many blessings to you. 🙏🏽🤎

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