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October 25, 2019


"Actually, even with battery manufacturing included, the life-cycle global warming emissions for electric cars are less than half of the emissions for a gasoline car."

--But if the electric car and battery were not produced at all the life cycle global emissions would be zero. Besides, the electricity to charge the battery most often comes from burning fossil fuels which = carbon emissions anyway.

If it is believed this climate thing really is caused by carbon emissions then wouldn't it be best not to produce them at all? I mean, some say the planet will become unlivable if we don't stop producing carbon emissions. So, why don't we? Because few people are willing to make that sacrifice. People want their stuff. Woke people who think they are green in their greenmobiles are still brown and not so woke. The real sacrifice is for someone else, not them. They are deluding themselves. Placing themselves on a false pedestal of virtue, patting themselves on the back for nothing. This climate agenda is all talk and hypocrisy. Carbon emissions will continue because humanity is continuing and whatever course has been set or not set by humanity's inevitable emissions will occur.

We have been waiting since February for our rebate. Way, way to slow to save. We are starting to get angry that it is taking so long. Come on Oregon DEQ lets get moving so more people are motivated to buy and EV. We love ours but we would love it more with $2500 that we were promised!

I think the full truth of all of this is not yet in. Time will tell as it always does. It has the potential of being an answer for city dwellers as for the rest of us-- not so much.

The cost of my ZEV to fuel and cost to the environment is lower than one might think. I have been tracking my electric bill for three years. Two years before purchasing ZEV and the year that I have owned it. Only months with the same daily average temperature are compared. I have found that my electric bill has only increased from $1.25 to $5.00 a month. For the cost to the environment I pay an additional $6.00 a month for electricity that is from renewable sources. That is $11.00 a month at the most to do my part. I save over $800.00 a year in fuel cost compared to my permanently retired (scraped) ICE automobile.

Range Anxiety is real and can be over come. Planning long trips to include recharging battery helps. Driving posted speed limits helps save on battery usage. There needs to be more Level 3 charging stations. For local driving I only need to recharge battery 2 or 3 times a week.

I think what you are saying is that the total cost for electricity to run your car is about $11.00 per month. Is that correct? How many miles do you typically drive? What is the source of the renewable portion of your electricity?

That is a very good deal unless you drive only a few miles and may be worth putting up with a little range angst.

The cost to the environment for production of electric vehicles and disposal of old batteries remains high but I do like the reduction in exhaust emissions and noise aspect. That's a good thing for everybody although there may be more people (and animals) run over by cars they didn't hear coming. You can hear my son's diesel truck coming from a mile away (it seems) and you can smell it from about that far away (for sure) as well.

Ah, but I love the acrid stench of diesel exhaust in the crisp morning air. Reminds of my stint as a truck driver idling for hours at a rest stop with the engine running to keep the frig unit operating. With a team operated truck, daily mileage is often 1200 miles or more. There is going to be severe range angst in the industry if they convert to electric tractor trailer rigs. We'll have to be more patient about getting our stuff if the trucks have to stop for hours every 240 miles or so to recharge. Goods will cost more per mile because of the extra time the truck and driver has to spend on the road recharging per load. Longer turn around time.

Just thinking out loud. I don't know much.

Just saw this today-- electric cars the wave of the future, are they? Is how the cobalt is gotten without cost? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4764208/Child-miners-aged-four-living-hell-Earth.html?fbclid=IwAR2zaDWBe7gbE-J4tl5D9nwJiG1B1vlU2AcgiiGpfnvdMNLszsGQeQBs2So

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