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October 09, 2019


My updated ancestry daht com results:

69% England Ireland Wales Scotland
30% Lithuanian Jew
1% Central Africa (Congo)

I am seeking reparations on behalf of my slave ancestor(s).
You white people owe me.

Oh. Wait. 680,000 of you died fighting to end slavery and the Confederacy.
I guess you've paid enough.

I did mine last year and did not though allow for communication; since I knew some of the relatives I do know i would not want to have contact me. Don't ask why. What I liked was how it totally validated not only from where the ancestors had come but also how they traveled across the US. I was mostly French-- in short northern European. Since it didn't go back as far as from when the first came over (New York was New Amsterdam), it didn't get the first ones. Still even where they first settled was good to see fit the mythologies I'd been told.

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