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September 29, 2019


I do all my own covers, which enables me to change them when i feel something else would look better. My husband does the formatting. For his work, he gets half the sales lol, which, of course, he'd get anyway. Getting images comes through businesses like CanStock, Deposit Photos, and Stencil for which I have paid for getting images by sometimes memberships and sometimes individual images. It's play for me and I use it when I am tired of writing or editing. Grammarly is pretty good on catching typos or mistakes but sometimes chooses worse words. I've used it but opted out of a new membership this time. D2D gets your books wide if you don't want to be in Amazon's Kindles Unlimited, which requires the book only be on Amazon. We are right now looking into getting Library of Congress numbers as some libraries only accept books with one. (Maybe all libraries as I only looked into one of them in Arizona.)

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