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August 13, 2019


What a treasure the painting of your Mother is...a fine background with which to introduce your newest book. I have added to my Kindle and will report back if/when necessary 😉. I am very much looking forward to reading more of your thoughts as they have developed over the years. Since I am about your age, that’s a LOT of years with which to ponder, and change and modify and grow...or wither as the case may be😉. Good luck with this newest effort!

Glenda, thanks for the kind words. Consider leaving an Amazon reader review when you've read my book. I enjoy reading Amazon reviews, so I'm hoping to get some on Break Free of Dogma. Yes, I'm about ready to start on a second book, since I want to show how my views on my Church of the Churchless blog evolved over the years. It's enjoyable for me to re-read the posts. Hopefully others will enjoy them as well.

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