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June 24, 2019


400 pages indeed..... yawn yawn, groan, groan...
He must know a thing or two (hundred)

Nobody (I don’t think, certainly not Descartes) knows anything about precisely, exactly, what this ‘moment’ of consciousness IS... we don’t know WHAT we are, we don’t know WHO we are (and ‘who’ presumes a person, and is a person different to a woodlouse ?)

Something we call MIND is the medium, the connector, the means by or through which anything at all of all this makes any sense.

Can you imagine any state (of consciousness, or being) which does not function through this medium ?

Even if you can, you’re still doing it through this same medium.

So all this talk of finite, infinite, temporary, permanent, is only a construct to ensure you talk or think in that way....

Is there any other way ?

Perhaps Shakespeare had the nail on the head with his “To be or not to be, that is the question”

That is indeed the question...

Silent answers please....

I definitely need to have full faith in God..but where is such God..how to connect with him.

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