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June 10, 2019


AAAATTTTTA girl, Laurel!
Good job on your open minded, inquire into truth.
Objectivity, balance and depth of field; GREAT JOB, Laurel!
Now, can you please tighten up the leash on (you know who) and MAKE him listen to other viewpoints other than the ones printed on the inside of the bucket that is over his head?
I'm with you, Laurel. For many years, I listened to Ray Taliaferro every single night on KGO and enjoyed his commentary although disagreeing with much.

That should be a good feedback to Toyota. To me, it sounds like a cost-cutting move by Toyota for this model.

Agree! Just purchased a 2020 RAV4 and very disappointed with the display. My 2014 Acura gave the XM channel name on each preset, so it was very easy AND SAFE to move from Spectrum to Outlaw Country to a sports channel. Now I have 30+ presets and no quick way to navigate through them. As you mention, this should be easily and quickly remedied with a software update. Come on Toyota!

Completely agree and am disappointed that our new 2020 Toyota Hybrid is the same as you describe. So disappointing since my 2011 at least lists the names of the stations and not just the channel number.


I am looking to upgrade to CarPlay on a rav4 . I currently use lots of SiriusXM through the satellite system on my 18 rav. On a new rav with entune 3 and CarPlay can I do the following.

Listen to SiriusXM satellite radio or fm
Be in CarPlay mode
Run google maps
Receive and make phone calls and override the music when google maps speaks or I get the call.
I would like to do this without a radio app

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