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February 22, 2019


The hard part is getting good counselors and not just more of them (more is fine) but those who understand what's going on with today's youths. We've had it in our family with a grandson and he has parents who do it all right but the internet, games, and who knows what have led him to anxiety issues that are going to cripple his life if he doesn't find a way through this. It began his senior year although was definitely heading that way earlier. His parents are desperate to find answers but this problem is new. Schools are doing what they can, but we can see more serious examples of it with some of the school shooters, where the parents knew there was a problem but no answers for them from our society. Better training for professionals as it's not what it once was or even what it was when my kids grew up. I think it's scary is what it is and until it's been in your family, I think most don't have a clue what's going on with the younger generations.

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