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February 25, 2019


I agree with most of what you expressed about the Arcimoto Evergreen. I live in a rural area in Texas and the range was the deal killer for me. Since I have two vehicles and a gas powered golf cart. I was planning to cut back to one vehicle and use the Arcimoto for both a short hop vehicle and as a replacement for my golf cart. I was expecting a price of $16k for a basic Arcimoto with the larger batteries before the Evergreen was ever announced. Realistically, I bought a new Hyundai Sonata Ltd for $25k - vehicle is getting 32mpg overall and 35 on highway and has 5 year 100,000 mile warranty and the car is top of the line with all the bells and whistles including heated and ventilated leather seats. I can buy an new EZGO lithium battery golf cart for under $9k that will run for a decade with little or no repairs. My Current Club Car is a 2004 model so a decade is not a pie in the sky optimistic number. ( And those figures do not reflect any trade in values.)

Appreciate the time and effort to write this up. Not everyone is suited to be an early adopter - certainly not for every product. As for me, none of these reasons are enough to dissuade me. I am a bit down the list hoping a significant number, say 300 or so, of those ahead of me agree with you!

Looks fun in nice weather. Here is Canada that’s three months a year,

As mentioned before 100 range
Is minimal it would become practical at 200miles lockable doors and an awesome heater. If needed modular exchange batteries that can be added, and swapped out for long rang trips, in whatever additional size you wish
Even if the extra battery sit in or below the rear trunk.

You will then see sales and investors pile in. Seasonal transportation is not taken seriously, they are referred to as non essential toys.

Making these options available can win over the crowd.

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