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February 21, 2019


I assume you love getting angry, while watching all those "with" shows. I stopped watching Bill Maher as I tired of the lack of information I didn't know, and I tired of the yelling. I did enjoy looking at the people I would read about (I don't watch TV news programs). Listening to their voice inflections, how they presented themselves, and what they said unscripted, was enjoyable.

Your endorsement of Dan in Real Life, prompted me to look it up on my DVD.COM account. Notice it no longer has the name Netflix in it. I have been getting DVDs by mail since 1997 from Netflix and, now, DVD.COM. Lately, I have been trying to correct myself when I refer to a disc, as I also watch Netflix.

I love watching Juliette Binoche work, and want to see every movie she is in. I fell in love with her when I watched Blue in 2005. Not a big fan of Steve Carell, but he was superb in The Way Way Way Back. Along with two other favorite actors of mine: Sam Rockwell and Toni Collette.

DVD.COM informed me I returned Dan in Real Life on June 20, 2008, and rated it three stars. I am the primary user of DVD.COM, so all the ratings are mine. I find the rating system to be pretty accurate, and I check my DVD.COM rating for a movie before I choose to watch it elsewhere. Don't you use it? Netflix spent a million dollars for a contest to improve the algorithm.

Your enthusiasm makes me want to watch it again, as I cannot remember watching it. However, since I have plenty of other movies to watch, my policy is to not re-watch a movie I have already seen! Not having a "lifetime" of movie watching ahead of me. I love listening to music, and watching "reality shows" like Impossible Engineering, Journeys To Japan (OPB), How Its Made, Mighty Ships, and the National Geographic Channel. So, I don't watch a lot of movies every week and I fight the impulse to turn it into a "job-to-be-done".

I have 478 discs in my DVD.COM queue, of which only 38 are available for streaming from Netflix. I smiled when you explained you kept rearranging your queue to watch newer movies. I do the same thing, although I am trying to refrain. Otherwise, the disc may disappear from availability. I have learned to put "Long Wait"s at the top, just in case they are available when my returned disc is checked in. Every once in a while, I move my four star ratings closer to the top, just so I know I'll enjoy watching the movie.

I recently read an article about DVD.COM and their declining subscriber numbers. As a rural resident with an 8 MBPS max bandwidth, I love my discs-by-mail service. My hope, unless I die first (I am almost 70), is that the companies developing low-orbit satellite internet service, will be in operation before discs cease to exist. In the article, they interviewed a former Netflix employee who said Netflix used to ship new, "in-short supply" discs, to the subscribers who didn't return discs often. The idea being they cost less to Netflix to supply. But, they learned the disc wouldn't be available to others, as the low user kept the disc. Luckily for me, I seldom feel the need to watch a movie as soon as it is available. After all, a good movie is a good movie, whether I watch it in 2008 or 2019! My oldest at-home disc has been sitting here since December 3. I have kept discs as long as a year as I kept putting off watching it. So, keep up the churn!

I went to a thrift store today with my daughter. I wandered around the store and came upon a box of dvds. In the box was a practically new copy of Dan in Real Life. Karma.

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