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December 22, 2018


Our friends at the Salem Alliance church will have fits over your response; I applaud how you have approached this.

An old dictionary defines despair in this way: “Despair naturally destroys courage and stops all effort, but may produce a new kind of courage and fierce activity founded upon the sense that there is nothing worse to be feared.” (Century Dictionary, 1897).

In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus asks “Should I kill myself?”, which for Camus is to answer the problem of whether and how to live. Long before Camus, William James asked, “What does it mean to ask whether life is worth living?” Religion begs the question by placing the responsibility outside of the person and seeks to chain us to life as an obligation to some deity.

If he has a named disease, there may be a database of people who have it and are involved in support groups, research, etc. If the disease is very common, like cancer or moderately common like MS, the database may be very large. But if the disease/condition is rare or uncommon the database may be small and it may be determined by the initials of the person who the person is. Perhaps they have hinted at their location or given clues in other emails which may be of help in pinning down their identity.

That said, I am not saying intervention is appropriate, just that it may be possible.

Sometimes suicide is the best choice. I don't think there is a judgemental Entity who condemns or punishes this. The suffering already exists. Life can put you in the position where the only way out is..out, but talks with sympathetic parties should be consulted and time given before acting.

My sympathies to anyone in this position.

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