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December 16, 2018


I am so over Christmas cards and stopped them a couple of years ago, after offering all on our list a chance to 'friend' us on Facebook-- none did, which proved that the cards were meaningless in terms of friends. They were a ritual that I had come to dislike-- sending or getting. For years, it had been a big deal in my life to make them out every December, including the obligatory letter, but I noticed our younger friends/family were no longer sending them. It is most valuable for those who wish to proselytize once a year at least, gain points in heaven maybe, and possibly save a heaten friend or relative.

The Christmas letter in your case has a new angle-- let's make everybody mad who doesn't agree with us politically. Who'd have thought it could go from lovely vacations to making sure friends know how the right side won in Oregon, which is, of course, the not 'right' side for the majority who voted. I smirked as I read your letter and hoped all your friends are liberals, as it might be harder to unfriend someone's card than it is at Facebook. I congratulated myself again that besides avoiding getting religious reminders how eternity depends on the right decision on earth, now I am avoiding political reminders I may have voted wrong. Merry Christmas indeed lol

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