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November 21, 2018


I took a chance and got this shot and I am really sorry I did. Since then my glucose has been impossible to control, white cell and lymph count shot up, extreme and long periods of fatigue. The bicep pain lasted several days and soreness lasted close to a month. This shot may end up being the death of me. GlaxoSmithKline is an evil corporation with history of criminal convictions of lying about the effectiveness of their drugs and their horrible side effects including death. The hyped-up trials GSK paid-for finding 95% effectiveness are probably just pure BS. And lots of people complaining on Internet about serious side effects of Shingrix. Just stick with Zostavax.

I had the first dose of Shingrix in Summer, 2018. All I had was a slight swelling and sore arm like for a flu shot.

I knew I should get the second dose within 6 moths, but there was a shortage. At my annual physical in Aug. 2019, my doc at the UM-Canton MI clinic gave me the second dose.

I was fine for 3 days, then developed extreme fatigue and trouble breathing. The fatigue was severe for 2 weeks. At one month, I'd given up on returning to my previous energy levels. I was approaching 70 anyway.

I never called my doc because she has too many assistants "protecting" her and I can't get my questions answered. I figured what was done, was done; I couldn't go back and refuse the vaccine.

Lately I've seen discussions about a cytokine storm. I wonder if I had that in reaction to the vaccine. I had been sensitized by the first dose, and my immune system may have overreacted when it recognized the second injection.

I don't know if this is relevant, but my aunt, born about 1924, got "serum sickness," and couldn't take penicillin. Serum sickness is a sort of allergic reaction.

My first shot of Shingrix had no side effects, so I wasn't reluctant to get the booster before six months lapsed (the pandemic delayed it). After the second shot my arm was useless and sore for a few days and there was enough nausea and fatigue to take a day off work, but pretty soon all was well. Then, a week later, my torso broke out into a few dozen little scattered pustules that look like chickenpox or fire ant stings. The itching is relentless. I've been miserable for five days now and it's only just starting to lessen up a bit. As far as I know there's nothing wrong with my immune system, and I had chickenpox as a child back around 1960. I don't know whether to be worried or not as I'm not finding good information online.

I got the 2nd shingle shot Friday and I had fever and vomited and diarrhea. Saturday was the same . Sunday afternoon I started feeling better. Monday I was fatigued. I still think the side effect I had was better than the six months I had the shingles.

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