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October 28, 2018


I am pulling for Sinema to be the first None in the Senate! That would be a breakthrough. http://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2013/01/07/rep-kyrsten-sinema-sworn-into-congress-without-a-bible/

I can't wait to be one of the first to congratulate Gov. Knute Buehler and set up a meeting with him.
Making Oregon GREAT again is WAY over due!

" I trust my progressive mind -- which dearly hopes that against all odds, somehow the Democrats take control of the Senate."

After the Kavanaugh spectacle I can't see anyone supporting the Democrat party, but somehow you do.

As a result, this "woke" woman changed her mind about Democrats...



Here Pelosi outlines how the Dems use a smear campaign to get what they want!
Unbelievable, unconscionable and disgusting, yet she freely tells
their strategy! And you want more of these creatures running our country?

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