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September 25, 2018


My usual power breakfast for about 20 years now - all ingredients organic if available, fruit all homegrown

Heaping quarter cup steel cut oats (Bob’s)
Heaping tablespoons:
oat bran (Bob’s)
wheat germ
Wheat bran
Flax seed meal
Big handful walnuts or almonds
12 oz water plus or minus to suit your preference

4 minutes in microwave on about 80% power in a big bowl to avoid spillover

Add fresh blueberries strawberries and raspberries in season
In winter use the frozen blueberries and frozen diced apples from the homestead
Frozen fruit gets unfrozen fast in that mixture straight out of the micro

We freeze enough berries and diced apples to last until next year’s crop

P.S. When I was younger and could eat more without gaining weight so easily, I used soy milk for the liquid, making it a very high protein breakfast.

I, being a Trump fan ( more so than ever after his recent speech to the UN General Assembly) prefer to have a big slab of GMO altered mutant factory farmed bacon for breakfast. However, this is not conveniently available due to the predominance of all these stupid organic food stores in my area... I guess you can't have it all. I swear, there are six of these leftist, snowflake hangouts within 10 minutes of where I live which I get to in my fuel inefficient 2004 Nissan XTerra. I can afford a new car or two, but why ? Mine is reliable. No sense in contributing to environmental degradation by purchasing a newly manufactured car. Someone, somewhere, will still be driving my old XTerra anyway. But I digress.

Back to bacon.. I refuse to pay extra for grass fed, non GMO, family farmed, local, free range meat that they say is so superior in regard to Omega 3 fat profile and all that health BS which is futile. I mean, we're all doomed no matter what we eat, right? So, it's Dunkin' Donuts for me every chance I get and In and Out Burger for lunch and dinner with double orders of fries due to the latent vegetarian in me.

The WalMart Superstore, where my kind of people shop (ignorant, slovenly, mouth breathing Trump voters with our butt cracks showing) and not those organic hippie PC/enviro types who actually believe CNN and MSNBC news coverage is fair and balanced, is farther away so it's inconvenient for me to get good old all-American mass produced nitrate laden pig flesh. Hence the reason I reply here:

I like oatmeal for breakfast too. I used to go for the old fashioned oats but I actually prefer the texture and convenience of the quick oats. So, how do I tone down the sugar rush due to the higher glycemic index? Fat. That's right. Fat. Fat slows down the absorption of sugar as does protein. So, I add some organic butter (high in butyric acid which is great for intestinal flora), flax seed meal (protein, fiber, omega 3 fat), nuts (O 3's, fiber, protein) and homemade almond milk which is fast and easy to make and has less sugar than the commercial products. I also include some low glycemic fruit like frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Frozen blueberries actually have more available anti-oxidants that fresh blueberries and somehow seem sweeter, but not quite sweet enough. So, I add a little unrefined agave nectar (even progressives and conservatives have some common ground) which some say has a relatively low glycemic index for a sugar product, but the jury is still out on that amid conflicting studies. If the jury comes back with bad news for agave I'll probably use honey from local beekeepers that has a high raw pollen content and is actually anti-bacterial.

Hi..! Thought I'd pass along a tip...I cook up about 4 -5 DAYS of Bob's 5 grain as I grew tired of 'cooking' too. Now, just pop that half cup out of your fridge container into the microwave for a minute, add whole milk (from grass-fed cows ONLY of course- good fat and protein), a squeeze of raw honey, and whatever fruit is on hand, maybe a little cinnamon... You're DONE and ready to dig in. PS...sugar is sugar, agave or not. But from bees, gods creatures, THAT'S living...👌🐝

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