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July 08, 2018


I too sent Arcimoto a deposit a couple of years ago. It seems to me you are correct in assuming the preorder customers are not too important to Arcimoto in thier scheme of things. Other than a confirming email on receipt of my $100 there has been no direct communication to me as a preorder customer. I have been in contact with Arcimoto a couple of times about placement and delivery dates. First answer was mid summer 2018 and second was first quarter 2019.
Waiting in Albany, Oregon

Duane, yes, it sure seems like Arcimoto should be paying more attention to us pre-order customers. After all, how the first regularly-purchased Arcimotos are received will play a big role in whether the company succeeds.

I've been a frequent contributor to Kickstarter efforts. If I sign up to buy a pair of waterproof shoes, for example, I'll regularly get updates from the company telling me about their progress in designing and making the shoes.

The company will apologize for any delays in getting the product to me in the original time frame. They'll explain in detail what problems are being experienced and how they're dealing with them.

Arcimoto hasn't been nearly as forthcoming, and they're wanting customers to pay $12,000 to $20,000 or so for their product, not $100, as I recall the waterproof shoes cost me.

Anyone who is anxious about the timeline and/or the frivolous lawsuits can ask for their $100 deposit back. As I understand it, they are quick to send refunds out. That should put an end to those individuals' anxiety issues. It's not like they swindled you for a non-refundable grand. You know?

Dale, getting my $100 back isn't what I'm anxious about. I want Arcimoto to succeed with a quality, easy-to-sell product. My anxiety stems from a worry that after so many years, and so much effort put into design efforts, the final version of the Arcimoto won't be the hit that I want it to be.

That worry stems, in part, from the thought process I went through when deciding whether to get a regular motorcycle/scooter some years back, or a three-wheeled version such as a Can-Am Spyder or various motorcycle "trikes."

A compelling argument against the Spyder that I read about on reviews of the three-wheeled motorcycle was this: it isn't nearly as much fun as a regular motorcycle that leans in corners, is more maneuverable, and can dart through traffic with more alacrity. Yet it is as expensive as many cars, but without the conveniences and safety features of cars: air bags, seating and luggage room, etc.

My worry is that the Arcimoto might fall prey to the same reasoning. If someone wants the fun of a motorcycle, and is willing to assume the risk that comes with it, they'll get a two-wheeled motorcycle or scooter. If someone wants the features of a car, they'll buy a car.

The Arcimoto occupies an in-between zone: a three-wheeled motorcycle that won't appeal to avid motorcyclists, which lacks most of the conveniences and safety features of a car. The electric propulsion will be a draw for some, as will the feeling of open-air freedom, compared to a car.

During my weekly grocery shopping trip to three stores here in Salem (Fred Meyer, Trader Joes, Lifesource Natural Foods), I tried to envision what this would have been like on an Arcimoto. I'd really need full doors that lock, since obviously after my first stop I had grocery bags in my VW GTI, plus a backpack that I usually take with me, but leave in the car.

So then I'd have an enclosed three-wheeled electric vehicle that could cost close to $20,000. Or, do my shopping in the GTI and use the Arcimoto just for fun trips where I didn't need to cart stuff around, or leave things unattended. This just shows the trade-offs that prospective buyers of the Arcimoto are going to have to consider.

I have to agree with the statements above. I too threw down the $100 not worrying about getting the money back and more to show support 4 electric vehicles in general. I only thought it could work since it would be a fun vehicle to drive used as a second option in the home and could do a lot of the grocery getting and casual City drives wow while not burning any fossil fuels. However the writer is correct in that there has been no interaction between reservation holders and the company. I never hear anything about this company if I don't search out the news myself. One of the ideas of making the vehicle affordable was that it used many basic available parts instead of reinventing the wheel. I find it very difficult to believe it is this hard to get this particular type of vehicle to the market. I also have a hard time believing that production goals could literally be extended on a year-to-year basis unless major issues occurred .If so what were they?? How could anyone think a vehicle would be ready in six months that wasn't ready for two years. It does seem like the projections are just a moving target arbitrarily set not ever really knowing if and when actual production will happen. I have seen many car and motorcycle enthusiast build or rebuild a custom car in their own garages in in a reasonable time frame using their own money . 10 years and how many tens of million dollars to get 10 not yet ready bets types out to the public. I honestly don't understand what all the employees do there every day when the basic model design was finished for so long and no one is obviously building any type of volume of vehicles. What are they doing. I hear information about their 'suppliers' I put that in quotes because how many parts have any of them been asked to supply.

I also think 5 years ago it would have
brought more excitement before electric scooters, bicycles, motorcycles, Tesla, and every other established manufacturer started thinking electric is the future. I say all this as a supporter of the idea not a detractor.

Unfortunately as a semi casual observer I would say that number one, nobody besides EV enthusiasts have ever heard of the company and as a fan of the product, I sit here today wondering if I'll ever see one on my streets here in upstate New York.

We are getting the Evergreen with half doors, a locking trunk, and heated seats/grips for $14,900 after 2 rebates. If I’m lucky, by September. If I’m not, then next year and possibly without the $5000 in rebates if they aren’t renewed. I like supporting Oregon and our local economy.

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